The programme aims to raise the profile of flavor science research in Europe by encouraging students of differing scientific disciplines to engage in innovative flavor-related research PhD projects and thus to advance the exciting and challenging field of flavor science Best PhD Thesis Award (EUR 5000) 6 Bursaries for 1st year PhD Students (EUR 3000 each) The purpose of this project is to promote innovative flavor research amongst PhD candidates across European universities and research institutes. PhD students enrolled in Universities and research institutes from 32 European countries including 27 European Union countries, UK, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey and Russia are eligible to apply in the programme. The project targets two different groups of PhD students: • Group 1: those who are about to complete their PhD and hence will soon be exploring opportunities for employment • Group 2: those who are about to commence their PhD studies This is translated into the following sub-objectives: • Publicise the attraction of flavor research to attract high-calibre students into appropriate PhD courses and then into industry • For Group 1: − Solicit and evaluate innovative flavor research projects − Provide the Annual Savory Flavor & Food Industry Conference, organised each spring in Geneva, as a platform for the winning student to present his/her work to ‘potential employers’ • For Group 2: − Award bursaries to a selected number of students who are planning to commence their PhD studies in flavors − Provide the 6 winning 1st year PhD students with the opportunity of visiting the laboratory of selected sponsor companies, by using a part of their winning bursary for their travel and stay. This will enable them to obtain a first-hand view of an industry R&D centre

Applicant and host information

Applicant citizenship: Europe

Host country: European countries (EU28, Russia, Turkey)

Years since PhD: N/A

Award details

Award: EUR 5000

Award Duration (years):

Research costs:


Mobility rule: No

Subjects: flavor science

Additional comments: First year and final year PhD students are eligible to apply

How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website

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This entry has been last updated: 2020-07-10 10:31:31

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