There is a pressing need to make the most of creative and basic research potential if we are to pioneer new frontiers in science and technology on a global scale. And for this our greatest hope lies with the work of talented and free-thinking young scientists. RIKEN's program for Special Postdoctoral Researchers (SPDR) was instituted to provide young and creative scientists the opportunity to be involved in autonomous and independent research that is in line with RIKEN objectives and research fields.

Applicant and host information

Applicant citizenship: Worldwide

Host country: Japan

Years since PhD: 5

Award details


Award Duration (years): 3

Research costs: JPY 3,000,000

Benefits: Commuting allowance (actual cost up to maximum of 55,000 yen per month) and housing allowance (partial payment of rent) will also be paid.

Mobility rule: No

Subjects: Life Sciences , Medicine and Health Sciences , Physical Sciences and Mathematics , Engineering , Biology , Chemistry , Technology and Innovation

How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website

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Application deadline

We make ensure the accuracy, please refer to the official website for complete details.
Note: This is a community curated project, please contribute/report if any information is missing or not correct. We highly appreciate your contributions!

This entry has been last updated: 2020-05-26 08:03:08

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