New investigator research grants are meant to stimulate younger members into a career of investigation in spinal deformity. Open to SRS Candidate Fellows or investigators who have not previously received an SRS Standard Grant, ORS, OREF, USA Federal grant (or OUS equivalent) and have completed 10 years or less of practice or at the committee’s discretion. Preliminary data is not required nor is it expected. The work must be both conceptualized and executed by the young investigator. Reviewers will consider the extent of which the project seems to be the young investigator’s own work rather than that of a more senior collaborator. Involvement, however, of an experienced mentor in an advisory role is encouraged and will be viewed positively. Applications with achievable goals and clear direction for subsequent work after the completion of the project will be viewed favorably.

Applicant and host information

Applicant citizenship:

Host country: United States

Years since PhD: Open to SRS Candidate Fellows or investigators within the first five (5) years of completing their training.

Award details

Award: $30 000

Award Duration (years): 2

Research costs:


Mobility rule:

Subjects: Medicine and Health Sciences

Additional comments: Extensive list of research focus areas can be viewed on the website. Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS, but do need to have at least one SRS member as a Co-Investigator. Funds are for work to be performed, not works in progress or already completed.This grant is specifically targeted to new investigators. The maximum award is $25,000 to be spent over a max of two years.

How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website

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Application deadline

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This entry has been last updated: 2020-05-24 11:42:56

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