We seek candidates at different career stages, from postdoctoral young investigators to tenured scientists. We are recruiting three types of Research fellows, differing in their profiles and lengths of stay.
Applicant citizenship: Worldwide
Host country: France
Years since PhD:
Award Duration (years):
Research costs:
Benefits: Research funding package includes: salary (corresponding to past research experience), small equipment and consumables (up to 60,000€/year, depending on fellow’s budgetary needs), and support in financing a project team of postdocs, PhD students, and short-term interns (up to 1.5 person/year). The fellows will benefit from CRI Research lab facilities and expertise.
Mobility rule: No
Subjects: Systems Biology , Artificial intelligence
How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website
This entry has been last updated: 2020-05-25 15:13:15