Applicant and host information

Applicant citizenship:

Host country: United States

Years since PhD: Individual authors or editors, or their sponsoring organization, society, or department, may apply

Award details

Award: $2 500

Award Duration (years):

Research costs:


Mobility rule:

Subjects: Please check the website

Additional comments: Supports approximately five individuals with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, articles, & works in non-print media. Goal is to defray costs not covered by publishers. Proposals that utilize newer technologies are encouraged. The society also encourages proposals from younger scholars in the early stages of their careers. Applications for any amount up to $2,500 will receive consideration. It is anticipated that most subventions will range between $500 and $2,000.

How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website

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Application deadline

February and August
We make ensure the accuracy, please refer to the official website for complete details.
Note: This is a community curated project, please contribute/report if any information is missing or not correct. We highly appreciate your contributions!

This entry has been last updated: 2018-12-29 13:58:21

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